Escape the world

It’s high time when you should escape the world,

It’s high time when you should see your world,

It’s a long journey before you will quit,

It’s a hard fought tyranny before you lose,

It’s a never ending feeling drowned in love,

It’s a hard hitting reality into ocean abyss,

This world will go away savage as it ramps on desires,

But you need to find your ground before it reigns fire,

As it’s an imagination of overwhelming reality,

But in the end reality becomes imagination. 

धड़कनों का शोर :):):)

सीने में दिल है,
दिल में है धड़कने,
जिंदगी बस ये धड़कनों का शोर है,
जो मुझे खींचे तेरी ओर है।

राख से सन्नाटे में,
डूबा एक लिबास है,
वो बस एक एहसास है,
इश्क़ जैसे तेरे लिए बस एक रिवाज है।

फिर से सहमी सी एक आवाज है,
चीखती चिल्लाती जैसे धड़कनो का साज है,
हर आहट पे गूँजती हैं खामोशियाँ,
हर ज़ख्म पे टूट जाये ऐसे कुछ अल्फाज़ हैं,

रूठे हम बेहिसाब हैं,
जैसे खुद ही खुद से नाराज हैं,
इश्क़ है आइना अपना अक्स से महरूम सा,
खुद से खोके खुद को हम ढूंढते बदहवास हैं,

मंज़िल का पता नहीं,
रास्ते अपने जैसे घर की आवाज हैं,
मुसाफिर हैं हम तो जहान के,
बेखबर से जैसे अपने जज्बात हैं।

चल पड़े हैं फिर कहीं,
जैसे रूठी फिर एक आवाज है,
मनाना है शायद खुद को,
फिर साथ खुद के जज्बात हैं।

©blessedwithsins :):)

You weren’t there </3


All those pretty faces and you weren’t there, you know your life sucks that way.

All those pretty smiles and you weren’t there, you know your life sucks that way.

All those crazy nights and beautiful songs and you weren’t there, you know your life sucks that way.

All those weekend dates and you weren’t there, you know your life sucks that way.

All those pictures and memories and you weren’t there, you know your life sucks that way.

All those random conversations in the night and you weren’t there, you know your life sucks that way.

All those random musings and poetry and you weren’t there, you know your life sucks that way.

All those crazy mood swings and you weren’t there to hold me up, you know your life sucks that way.

All those journeys to random places and you weren’t there, you know your life sucks that way.

All those fucked up phases of life and you weren’t there, you know your life sucks that way.

All those nights where love could have all the emotions and you weren’t there, you know your life sucks that way.

All those days where i didn’t smile because you weren’t there, you know your life sucks that way.

All those strangers who smiled at me and i didn’t smile back because you weren’t there, you know your life sucks that way.

All those nights when i didn’t sleep because you weren’t there, you know your life sucks that way.

All this life and you aren’t here, you know your life sucks that way.


Lucky ~ Maybe just a word in someone’s life or maybe someone’s life reciprocate that word :):):)


Yes, this picture above says my current condition and it’s been a while since L in my life has been replaced by F. You know sometimes even when you try your best life doesn’t seem to be in your favor. Lucky, Maybe just a word in mine life or maybe someone’s life reciprocate that word. It’s not like i don’t want to believe in luck but more than luck i believed in destiny because in my life, nothing was a mere lucky occurrence. Life seems to be dwelling at every step with me and my luck always seems two steps away from me, that gap between me and what we say luck never seem to be filling. It’s just keep widening with time, more i try, further away i go from Luck. It’s not like that i am a negative person but when things don’t in your way, you start to lose your hope eventually. 


While i were browsing through different articles and pages, i came through this quote. I won’t say that i disagree with it but agreeing with it also is not what i choose. The day you decide to do or take actions about something which you want to change in life or want to bring a change will certainly make progress once you start taking actions. But luck has nothing to do with it. If it’s in your destiny, it will eventually happen. I never felt if i start doing something today, that’s going to be my lucky day or is there something called lucky day even exists? Maybe it might exist for people, but for me everyday is just another day of life and you have to act on what you want to change in life.


Above quote says it all for me. Never been lucky in my entire life and yes i do believe, whatever i got so far in my life wasn’t pure luck. I did deserve it, that’s the only reason i got things in life. Many people might not agree with this but when you did your best but still don’t get what you deserve, then you think about luck but luck, what’s that? In my life, there is no such thing like luck., either i deserved it or not, there is no mid way. 


Maybe above quote is also one of the reason that luck has never been at my side. I never felt myself lucky. I only believe in destiny, whatever is written in destiny, i will get it no matter what. I try my best to achieve things in life but if i were lucky, those trials must be converted into results fruiting as success. Maybe only reason such things don’t happen because i don’t believe in luck, neither i believe that i am lucky. I am just an ordinary person who’s luck has been postponed till death. :):)


 And yes above quote says it all. I don’t know how to react on this or what to write about it, but i still haven’t given up. Maybe reading this again and again will keep my hopes alive, maybe. Maybe it will bring some peace to my soul and give myself some calm which has been running away from me for the time being, maybe. Maybe i will be lucky when the right time comes, maybe. Maybe i can cherish all the moments of my life again as it might be nothing but luck, maybe. Maybe i have been driven into a corner of failures and rejections by God just to make me believe that there is no such thing as destiny without luck and both travel side by side to complete each other, maybe. Who knows! Maybe God is still watching from above and think what wrong i have done to make him think like that, maybe. Maybe God is just sitting within me and writing all this, maybe. Who knows! We are just dust particles in the form of human body and maybe having a human form is also what being called lucky. Maybe we expect too much from everything in life, maybe. Maybe life isn’t so bad the way we think, maybe. Maybe we all need little bit of hope and a leap of faith so that we could pass the tests he takes to find our endurance. Maybe, who knows! 

As someone once told me, toughest thing in this world to keep your hope alive when you’re broken and keeping away your smile when you’re happy. Maybe i need little bit of both before i depart. You know departures often happen when life is slipping away from you but i want to depart when life is just mine, calm and reciprocating with my soul. Till than, pray, hope and Amen. :):)


A journey from being called over weighted to inspiring :):):)


Yes, you’re absolutely right. I was or maybe i am still a person who is over weighted but you know it’s been a wonderful journey for me, while transforming from 103.5 kgs to whooping 84 kgs (as of Today). No, it didn’t happen over night and it wasn’t easy at all. You have to struggle all your way through the hardship, dedication and resistance. You have to eat in a right manner while you do hard work in gym or road work wherever you want to shred those extra kilos of your body. Excessive fat in body is never a good thing and i think i have realized it quite late but as they say, better late than never. 


1st step towards anything is always the toughest and same goes in case when you want to lose your weight. So, first you need to start jogging/running whatever you seem fit and this is the 1st step when you want to shred those extra kilos. You really need to work hard and let yourself sweat like a pig but in the end you will know, it’s worthy. Also, when you start cardio to reduce weight, try to hit on treadmill first as due to heavy weight road work might affect your knees, so do keep that part in check. Also, try to jog for not more than 40-45 minutes as it might effect your body strength physically in initial days. Increase your distance or time on weekly or fortnightly basis. 


2nd step towards weight loss is doing crunches on daily basis. I know it’s one of the toughest exercise but it’s one of the main core of your body which help you to reduce belly fat and allow you to find those great abs you always keep dreaming of. I started with 25 when i started my gym routine almost 6 months back from 4th April and it has been doubled since then. I haven’t change my cardio routine and do almost 40-45 minutes(5.6 kms) on daily basis so that i will reach to my target within time. You need to have a lot of patience when you start doing all those exercises because results might be quick in initial days but as you move on, it will take time and you might cling to same weight for 2 weeks to 2 months but just carry on. Do your regular stuff and 5 days a week is more than enough if you keep the right diet.


3rd and final step towards weight loss is doing squats. Squats will always be a tough exercise when you’re a over weighted person but don’t give up. You can always start with minimal numbers and do on alternate days or 2-3 days a week is good. But always remember, squats help you to strengthen your legs as well as helps in reducing belly fat. Also, do remember while shredding weights, more than exercise, diet is important and it’s always a combination of 60% diet and 40% exercise. You should avoid sugar contents like cakes, pastries, donuts, ice creams for the time being and do avoid sweets of any kind to keep the weight maintained.  Also, try to eat minimal amount of rice once in a week if you can’t say no to them. Always try to eat more fruits, salads and right amount of protein should be included in your diet as well. For vegetarians, you can eat curd, have milk, sprouts, soya, raw paneer is good for health. Also, you can introduce protein supplements as protein also help to reduce weight as it helps you to maintain body muscles. 


Last but not the least, never ever give up in life. You can always do it if you make your mind to do things in life. Nothing is impossible or impossible is nothing. So just carry on, keep doing your regular stuff and always have patience. Sometimes you won’t see the result so early, thus keep waiting, keep working hard and just move on. Once you’re able to understand your own potential, nothing is impossible to achieve in this world. 


And above quote says it all. That’s all you need to move on in life and do the hard work. Train your body and mind, rest will come with ease. Always remember 3 D’s of life which will help you to achieve anything and those are, Dedication, Devotion and Discipline. Always be the person who inspires people and final thing,

“People will never love you for what you do until you achieve it and shut their mouth. Let your actions decide their words”.

Are we alone or loneliness is such an awesome thing that we can’t quit? ☺☺☺


As we grow up in life, we tend to seek freedom for ourselves in form of privacy and righteousness of doing things. We want to be alone while we grow up into adults and with age, this process of separation goes on. We want to be alone at various points of life like when we are very angry with someone or we are sad about something which gave us the push back. But do we find that lonely time addictive or do we tend to become lonely so that we might find people around us giving extra attention than what we need. We all know the answers but we never accept the righteousness of our mind and soul because we give up on where our heart belongs. Most of us take decisions depending on emotions, including me as well. But keeping your emotions as priority for your decision might land you to nowhere.


Loneliness is something which makes you crazy as it’s a solitary confinement but not for your body, but for your heart and soul. Stronger your emotions are, loneliness becomes more addictive. As you start to move away from people because you cling onto your emotions no matter, loneliness becomes a friend in need for you. Also, sometimes you might find loneliness is awesome because it also makes you less vulnerable in this world. But remember that, to carry on the wheels in this world you need another soul. We find or seek various reasons to be lonely but is it the right one? Are you sure that the reason you have chosen would prove to be the right one? We can only think what’s best for us but we always need a second opinion. People start to lose themselves when they aren’t recognized or appreciated by the people around them. Most of us want to lonely because of the emotional conflict, that emotional burst we carry inside us. We don’t allow people to know what’s wrong with us and we pretend they would understand eventually. 


It’s not like that I am different from those people. But it feels I have already surpassed the stage where it feels like I have emotions or something like that. I do have feelings for people without whom my life is just an empty shell. But apart from those, for whom I should carry the burden of emotions? Answer is no one. You shouldn’t burden your soul with emotions you can’t carry. You should let it go. You should let it flow like autumn and spring, where old leaves fall away and new ones take their place. In life emotions and memories should be like those leaves, new ones replacing the old ones. But you know, it’s so hard to erase or replace few memories or emotions as you are always clinging to those. No matter how hard it might be, but some people just come in life and take places in our heart as home to never leave away and sometimes you want to meet those people, but how? Loneliness is the answer. You want everything empty to be able to meet those people and talk again. But that path is dangerous like a cliffhanger, you might climb up but if you’re weak, you might fall down. 


Somewhere I read, Loneliness is awesome if only I know how to quit it. So just remember that be lonely but never be addictive that it becomes a drug.


Somewhere sitting in a room full of people, he screamed, get away from me. I am done with you all. But nobody realized that he was talking to him. Loneliness does that people, so just remember who you’re and choose the right reason to be lonely. 

~ Blessedwithsins 🙂

Marriage : Is it the question or is it the answer?

Marriage, always a first thought in parents mind as you’re settled enough to start a new journey. But sometimes you aren’t mentally prepared or maybe you aren’t willing to get married because so many questions are going through your mind. I don’t know about others but marriage somehow always felt like an unwanted decision, an unwanted answer of a question never asked to you. Marriage is another journey of your questions from society in this world and yet you have to give the answers. As far as i have seen, this world feels like a felony of broken dreams and forced decisions in the form of marriage. I always wondered why marriage has to be a decision which needs to be taken by your parents rather than you? I know that our parents have every single right to take a decision in our life but does marriage has to be one of them? Marriage isn’t a journey of 2 people or 2 souls but it’s always a tale of 2 souls and their families bonded with the sacredness of marriage. 


It’s not like that i am afraid of marriage or i am running away from it but somehow marriage doesn’t compel me in a way it should. It doesn’t feel like a bond with which i need to submerge myself. It feels like dragging one’s soul into an unknown world and let that world be another fantasy journey of never ending tales. More i see the world around me, more depress i feel as feelings, love and emotions are just being toyed with unknown intimacy and sudden desires which would never cease no matter if you’re married or not. Aftermath of every relationship is another complicated relationship with your emotions and thoughts, but moreover it’s the thought process which never seems to be in sync with your mind and heart. 

Exciting Hindu Miyaan wedding tradition with turmeric and flower

Life is always a journey of never ending questions, for some we get the answers, for some we are the answers ourselves. But have you ever asked question from yourself that why you want to get married? What’s the purpose behind it or why you want to spend your life with someone you don’t know? Why you want to walk the path on which you never step a foot yet you are forced to or maybe willingly want to start a journey of thousand miles? All these questions hurling in your mind never start to cease as more you grow, more inquisitive your mind becomes, more restless your soul tend to be. Some of us might find it a happy journey to fulfill dreams of our parents or maybe dreams of their own as for them marriage might be a new start to their life or maybe a boost for their existing life, who knows, all those are just assumptions of my mind or maybe those are the truths of life.


Sometimes most of us wish for a partner or someone with whom we can share ups and downs of life but do we really need to get married for it? We all have our own preferences, choices, decisions about the life we want to live or we think about living but why it should be with someone and just for that sake why we need to get married? All those questions just keep coming like an untold storm and scatter your soul like unwanted journeys from your heart to your mind and vice-versa. Contradiction between heart and mind just tear you apart as you’re stuck in loopholes of life and what’s leave you into dilemma are the questions which can be answered by you only. There isn’t going to be anyone who might clear those doubts but you would be the only one coming up with an answer, an analogy to solve all the equations of your life regarding marriage, an answer to your never ending queries and questions, a journey from start to end and it’s an ecstasy once you find the answer. But who knows all the answers, am i the one who would be answering all the questions life throws at me? I don’t think so because for some answers, you’ve to wait until you think you’ve the answer yet it’s always a two-way road to destination. 


Someone once told me when i asked them why one should get married, only reason you should get married is because when you’ve grown old, you won’t be having anyone around to share your troubles or happiness. You won’t find anyone to talk with you and sometimes that loneliness is longer than you can imagine. So once you’re married and you’ve grown old, you’ve someone to talk, you’ve someone who will take care of you in your bad times, you’ve your kids around which will give you happiness of a lifetime. So whenever thoughts of marriage screw with your mind, always think about it and somewhere i read,

“The secret to a happy marriage is if you can be at peace with someone within four walls, if you are content because the one you love is near to you, either upstairs or downstairs, or in the same room, and you feel that warmth that you don’t find very often, then that is what love is all about. ~ Bruce Forsyth”


Lord Hanuman : A story of devotion & faith :):):)

People might think why i choose to write on a topic as vast as his name “Lord Hanuman”, called the mightiest one, savior of man kind from all the troubles and his name is enough to enlighten your world. For me, he is more than just a God or a deity, for me he is more like part of my soul. Over the years in my journey of life i have realized that all you need to have is little faith in what you do and that faith changes the way you see the world. That faith might be your parents have in you or you have in someone whom you find it worthy of your life. But faith in a deity or God is a different chapter. It’s not an easy river to cross or not an easy ocean to sail, because as you start your journey it’s going to be full of hardships you need to overcome and sometimes those difficulties break you into pieces that you might start to lose your faith.


To be frank, my journey wasn’t something special as it all started in year 2001. I were just a fourteen years old kid and wasn’t so religious as well. Although i used to pray on various occasions as my mother used to scold me for not being good enough to thank Gods for giving us everything to live happily and prosperously. One day i was sitting with my mother and she was telling me the stories of different Gods & Goddesses from Indian mythology. Since my childhood i found mythology very fascinating as Gods & Goddesses were described in different ways with different incarnations for doing various kinds of acts such as either to kill a demon or “Asura”, or to be born as Human “Lord Rama”. That day my mother asked me why didn’t you start fasting for one day in a week and i were like why should i do that. Mother told me that you didn’t need to be hungry for all day and you can eat food at one time, it could be either day time or in evening. I told her okay but i would fast on Monday as i could eat salt on Monday when i would have food at one time, then she said, better to go with Tuesday as you’re a bachelor and Lord Hanuman has powers beyond imagination. And since than, i started fasting on Tuesday and still doing since 9th January 2001. 


Initially fasting on every Tuesday felt were tiring as i could eat only one time and i used to eat by end of the day. But as i grew up, things started to change. Everything about Lord Hanuman left me mesmerizing every time i recited his name or chant Hanuman Chalisa. More stories i heard about him, my faith would just go stronger. His stories felt like you’re not alone in this world and you just need to have faith to find him in your heart and soul. As years went like blink of an eye, my faith and devotion for Lord Hanuman grew stronger and stronger. But year 2007 was something which made my faith so strong that since then, i never saw back. I just carry my devotion and faith for him.


You know when you have faith in him, he knows about it and by the time you realize things, you will find him standing next to you. He is always watching you, always there with you, his hands are always on your head just for blessings. You can find him laughing and crying with you. You can have conversations with him like a friend and he would listen patiently.  I don’t know about others but i know, he is alive because watching him with my own eyes, even if it’s in dreams but your heart, mind and soul knows that he is alive. I have seen him numerous times in my dreams and it’s not a coincidence. All my life is for him and him only and i can’t even imagine my life without his blessings. He is someone in whom i have faith of my life, my journey of life began and will end with his name, his name is my nectar for life and what i have as my gift is his blessings. 


My life without him is just meaningless. I don’t have an existence without him and my world without him is just a place full of darkness, feels like ocean abyss. There is nothing more you would want in life rather than to be blessed by him. His blessings are what you need to find your soul and make peace with it. His blessings are the hope which your life needs in your tough times. Sometimes when you are having conversation with him, it feels like you’re looking at your own soul and it’s your soul which is helping you to understand what you want from life.


For me, he isn’t only a God or Deity, for me he is more like everything i can think of. He is the father of my dreams, mentor of my goals, friend of my life, mother in my troubled times and more than anything, he is a God who is as simple as my soul. Hope one day i could hug him in real and say thanks for always being there in my good and bad times. I know that you’re always watching from high above or maybe you’re just behind me and watching me over the years but life couldn’t be so easy without your blessings. 


“My mother once told me that when you can see the Gods crying and laughing with yourself, your prayers are worthy of your soul”.


#जयश्रीराम #जयहनुमान  :):):)

Traveling ~ Not for body, but for heart and soul 😇😇😇

In my recent stay away from home what i have learned about life is much more than being caged into boundaries. These boundaries don’t cage your body but they cage your heart and soul. They cut your wings of desire and freedom. They just suffocate you to the limit where giving up seems the only solution available. But coming far away from home gave me enough freedom to break away those boundaries and be a free soul of my desires. These desires are not physical but what they want is a piece of peace, for mind, heart and soul.


Also as i started solo traveling few years back but it wasn’t frequent but somehow it allowed me to enjoy myself in an enriching way to tell the stories which world can hear. It all started with trips in Dehradun, Haridwar, Jaipur, Mehndipur and by the time it became an addiction, it was something more mesmerizing. Setting on to the roads through which you never came across, unseen places which hold mystery and seem like beauty from another world and most of all, the ability to communicate with yourself just keeps you indulged in that journey of dreams and folk tales.


You go to places which might be hard to climb or might be tougher to reach but never give up, just keep your soul awake, just ask your heart that question, do you want to give up on your dreams? That one question every time changes the way you see life but everyone is not so strong, neither am i. We are humans and we are meant to be broken by the conditions which make us weak and miserable. But who knows when you might be getting that another chance to live your dream, live your life as you want not the way world wants it.


Surrounding with places as peaceful as mother’s lullaby, only thing which can be achieved is serenity. Places which make your heart go jump like a kid, leaves goosebumps like an adventure, put your mind to peace and your soul dances to the rhythms of life you’re living. You’re living your unsaid dreams which you whispered to your soul, ecstasy of those dreams is felt by mind and your heart keeps memoirs of them. Sometimes everything comes as an ocean wave and scatters everything what you’ve dreamt of, but those ocean waves also allow our journeys to be remembered for forever.


Sometimes it feels like dancing in the rain with your soul but no one’s watching. Your only consciousness is what you’re living. In those moments you create memories which are carved onto your heart and relived through your soul. As someone told me, “Journeys are meant to be scary but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t start one.” As life teaches various aspects as we travel to different places in this beautiful world, just remember that you’re another soul which will dance on the rhythms of life you’re going to create.


Let’s go to the journeys which make you excited as a kid again. Let’s go to the places where you find yourself and only thing which matter is your dreams to follow. Let’s go to the places where you can find solitude, but solitude for your soul to be with yourself. Let’s go to the places where your soul dances with your heartbeats and your mind.

“It’s not difficult to travel alone but being alone in a journey is what makes life difficult.”

Amen :):):)

Himayalas ~ Folk tales of journeys and dreams :):)

When you hear it for the first time, the word Himalayas take you to another world. An image of mountains covered with snow, water streams as white as milk, forests so green that it feels like spring and winds scattered like leaves in autumn makes an impression in your mind. Sudden happiness comes on your face and all you can think about to pack your bags and let’s go on a trip of a lifetime. Although i never got the chance or courage to start that journey but what i have heard from people around me just leave me mesmerizing. Everything they told me about Himalayas and their journey to the mountains i have only dreamt or have in my imagination, it feels like a folk tale of my dreams coming alive. 


As someone told me that “Mountains are the real nirvana in life. All you need is to start a journey.” But you have to be courageous to start those journeys. You have to ask questions from yourself, are you ready now? Are you ready to start those journeys? Are you ready to travel alone as fascination of your dreams just keep growing? It’s always tough to start a journey alone but once you take the right decision to move, you’re never going to regret it because solo journeys change you into a different person. A person who is courageous, who is less reluctant about decision and difficulties, who is free from all the worries and most important, he/she becomes so confident that nothing seems impossible to him/her. 


All those folk tales seem never ending when people tell me stories about their journeys to different parts of Himalayas or you can journeys to a different world. A world which is so apart that you never want to come back. A world where you want to sit on a mountain cliff and look at another world which is full of greed, sorrows, pain, apathy and ignorance. A world where you want to lie down on grass and gaze at the stars. A world where you want to flow with water streams that makes your pain go numb. A world where you want to sit on a mountain’s peak and look at another world, look over the lost souls, hear the silent cries and pray that another world might find it’s happiness someday. 


Journeys to Himalayas are like meditation, once you’re indulged with it, they are like addictions. Just the dreams of being into Himalayas give me goosebumps and sometimes i am really jealous of people who are courageous enough to start their journeys to live a dream of lifetime. As you hear the word Himalayas, an image of Lord Shiva with her wife Goddess Parvati will come into your mind as Himalayas is said to be the home of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva who is also called as “Bholenath”, “Neelkanth” or “Jatadhari” has Himalayas as his home. As we still hear stories of him roaming in various parts of Himalayas as it’s his home and have sacred value for Hindus. Lord Shiva is often said to be a person who roams around freely in the Kailash even today and often do meditation in various parts of Himalayas.  


Folk tales about Himalayas seem like stories from dream world and a part of fairy tales but this world apart from our world do exists. This world which consists Himalayas is an enriching tale of peace, mediation, spirituality and you becoming one with your self. This world allows you to become one with your soul as you’re lost to something which feels like heaven. You fall in love with mountain peaks covered in snow, music coming from sound of flowing water streams seems like another ecstasy. You fall in love with the peace and serenity this world gives you. You fall in love with the world where winds sing a song for your soul. You fall in love with the world where all you can find is yourself in surroundings and you’re never alone.


Let’s go on a journey to this world which exists within our own. Let’s go on a journey of dreams and let the folk tales be created. Let’s go to find ourselves within surroundings where we’re never alone. Let’s go.

“The mountains were so wild and so stark and so very beautiful that I wanted to cry. I breathed in another wonderful moment to keep safe in my heart.” ~ Jane Wilson-Howarth

Dedicated to one of friend and his immense love for Himalayas as his name has in it. Thanks for all the stories and your beautiful way of telling enriching tales of Himalayas will always be a motivation for me. Thank you for enlightening me with dreams which needs to be fulfilled. Thank you Himanshu Wadia for being there with me and we have came afar in our short journey called Friendship.

Amen :):):)